
2025年1月15日,加沙地带终于达成了一项停火协议,确保在加沙15个月的战争后释放人质 [ 联合国新闻 ] 。美国、埃及和卡塔尔在推动这一协议的达成过程中做出了卓越的贡献。但是伊朗与以色列以及美国之间的问题,远不是一个停火协议就可以解决的。2020年1月3日这一天,除了是我本人的生日以外,也是苏莱曼尼抵达巴格达遭受无人机的袭击而身亡的日期,下达这项暗杀命令的是即将上任的美国总统特朗普。在西方的一些媒体上,苏莱曼尼被描述成了一个“恐怖分子”的形象,这些看似“恐怖分子”的男人们,控制着女人与孩子,要求女人们带上“头巾”,限制人们的自由。我其实很想反过来问一些西方的媒体,如果带上头巾就是限制一个人的自由而被约束着,那么西方的女人为什么不把衣服全部脱光,一丝不挂的样子难道不是更“自由”吗?人类最初,实际是光着身子的,当人类明白“羞耻”这个概念的时候,便拿起了树叶子将自己的下体给遮掩了起来,这样一种行为其实是一种超脱于“动物”的一种“高级”行为,只有“动物”才讨厌将一些“服装”穿在自己的身上。而戴“头巾”实际上也是一种“高级”行为,这些“头巾”不仅包含了“文化”的衍生,同时也是“自我约束”的一种高级行为。例如,在佛教里,讲究的是“持戒”,人们不仅要剃光了头,同时也禁止食用一些“肉类”来让自己远离“荤腥”,这也是通过“自我约束”的方法,来达到锻炼自己“心性”的目的。所以在我看来,如果苏莱曼尼是一名“恐怖分子”,那么他的死去就不会有那么多的民众为期“哀悼”了,更不可能有一些人专门为他制作了站点,每天来悼念这位已故的“恐怖分子”。很多西方人,通常会以“自己”的标准来“要求”别人,认为别人没有和“自己”的“标准”一样,别人就是“不对”的,别人就应该向“自己”来学习,自己的“标准”就是“世界”的“标准”,这样的“价值观”充满了“傲慢”与“偏见”。人与人、文化与文化、国家与国家、语言与语言等等等等的差距非常的大,如果全部都使用“同一套”的标准,那么这个世界就失去了其“多样性”,在生物学中,物种想要延续下去,其中一个最重要的一个因素就是要保证其“多样性”。而这些西方的“愚昧”与“傲慢”,很有可能在未来会将人类的全部族群拖入到一个“不可逆”的“灭绝进程”中。这些“文明”的共识,所有人最终一定会意识到。然而真正的“文明”和科技的发达、金钱的多少没有关系,和“人文”、“智慧”以及“精神”和“信仰”有关。太多的人错误的认为一个国家只需要“金钱富裕”,就是一个“文明”的国家,其他人就应该“效仿”这样的国家才对,然而真实的情况是这样充满“铜臭味”的“虚假”的“文明”国家,其本质只是一群“野兽”的肉体穿上了一身“西装”,不过是用“金钱”来满足自身的“动物”之间的欲望而已。然而真正能理解这些“宗教徒”的人不多,只有亲身体会的人才有资格对这样的宗教行为进行评价,而不是在一旁指指点点,就像你从未吃过咖喱,你却仅从外观来评价咖喱的味道。在未来,我会努力去了解一个“宗教”国家,也许还会制定一些符合“多方”要求的一些协议与条款。没有任何人可以不在“法律”的框架下来肆意的“终结”一个人的生命,谁都一样,而苏莱曼尼的死亡,也说明这里面存在着一些亏欠。我之所以到现在还能活着,其实要非常感谢美国政府以及美国总统的帮助,这也是我所亏欠的。既然苏莱曼尼的死亡有着一些亏欠,不如我自己将这份亏欠与苏莱曼尼的这份亏欠一起结算了吧,如果有人想要为苏莱曼尼的死亡追究责任,那么请将这份责任算在我的头上吧,苏莱曼尼死亡的这一天是我的生日,全当这是“上帝”送来的“人质”吧,衷心的希望不要再有不必要的战争与死亡的出现,感谢访问。

On January 15, 2025, a ceasefire agreement was finally reached in the Gaza Strip, ensuring the release of hostages after 15 months of war there [UN News]. The United States, Egypt and Qatar made outstanding contributions in promoting the conclusion of this agreement. However, the problems between Iran and Israel as well as the United States cannot be solved by a ceasefire agreement alone. January 3, 2020 was not only my birthday but also the date when Soleimani arrived in Baghdad and was killed by a drone strike ordered by the then incoming US President Trump. In some Western media, Soleimani was depicted as a “terrorist”. These men who are seemingly “terrorists” control women and children and require women to wear “headscarves”, restricting people’s freedom. I actually want to ask some Western media in return, if wearing a headscarf is a restriction on one’s freedom and a form of constraint, then why don’t Western women take off all their clothes? Isn’t being completely naked more “free”? In the beginning, humans were actually naked. When humans understood the concept of “shame”, they picked up leaves to cover their private parts. This kind of behavior is actually a “superior” behavior that transcends “animals”. Only “animals” dislike wearing “clothing” on their bodies. Wearing a “headscarf” is also a “superior” behavior. These “headscarves” not only contain the derivatives of “culture”, but also represent a form of “self-restraint”. For example, in Buddhism, the practice of “holding precepts” is emphasized. People not only shave their heads but also refrain from eating certain “meats” to stay away from “flesh and blood”. This is also a way of “self-restraint” to cultivate one’s “mind and nature”. So in my opinion, if Soleimani was a “terrorist”, then there wouldn’t be so many people mourning for him, and it’s even less likely that some people would set up websites to commemorate this deceased “terrorist” every day. Many Westerners usually “demand” others to meet their own “standards”, believing that if others don’t follow their “standards”, they are “wrong” and should learn from them. Their “standards” are the “world’s” “standards”. Such “values” are full of “arrogance” and “prejudice”. There are huge differences between people, cultures, countries, languages, and so on. If all were to follow the “same set” of standards, the world would lose its “diversity”. In biology, one of the most important factors for the continuation of a species is to ensure its “diversity”. And this “ignorance” and “arrogance” of the West may very well drag all human groups into an “irreversible” “extinction process” in the future.These “civilized” consensuses will eventually be recognized by all. However, true “civilization” has nothing to do with the advancement of technology or the amount of money. It is related to “humanity”, “wisdom”, “spirit” and “faith”. Too many people wrongly believe that a country is “civilized” as long as it is “rich in money”, and others should “emulate” such a country. But the truth is that such a “false” “civilized” country full of “money smell” is essentially a group of “beasts” wearing “suits”, merely satisfying their “animal” desires with “money”. However, few people can truly understand these “religious believers”. Only those who have experienced it themselves have the qualification to evaluate such religious behaviors, rather than pointing fingers from the side, just like you have never eaten curry but only judge its taste from its appearance. In the future, I will strive to understand a “religious” country and perhaps even formulate some agreements and terms that meet the requirements of “all parties”.No one can end another person’s life at will outside the framework of the law, and everyone is the same. The death of Soleimani also indicates that there are some debts involved. I am still alive today, and I am very grateful for the help of the US government and the US president. This is also a debt I owe. Since there are some debts involved in Soleimani’s death, why don’t I settle this debt along with the one I owe? If anyone wants to hold someone accountable for Soleimani’s death, please hold me accountable. The day of Soleimani’s death was my birthday. Consider it as a “hostage” sent by “God”. I sincerely hope there will be no more unnecessary wars and deaths. Thank you for your visit.